Empire World City is a mix development project developed by Virtue Resources. The land size for the first phase of its construction is approximately 50 hectares in Bavet city, Cambodia.
“We going to kick start this project by starting the leverage work and we estimate by end of this year we can start the construction,” said Mr. Eric the CEO of Empire World. “The total time for the development and completion of Empire World City will be 10 years,” he said.
Empire World city is located in Bavet city, Cambodia, which 15km away from the Vietnam border at Moc Bai.
“We believe that the Empire World city will boost up the local economy by attract neighboring Vietnamese into the city,” said Mr Eric.
According to the Wmpire World City, the project able will create at least 3,000 local jobs.
Virtue Resources is also working with Carton Hotel, a container styled hotel & resort.
“I am glad that Virtue Resources has given us an opportunity to come in Cambodia as the first container style hotel & resort. We are very confident that our presence in Empire World City will add more value to the project,” said Mr. Paul, CEO of Carton Hotel.