International Game Technology (IGT) announced Wednesday the release of its global Responsible Gaming Policy, created to inform and educate all relevant stakeholders about IGT's worldwide programs and solutions designed to promote fair play and comply with requirements and regulations on responsible gaming in all jurisdictions in which the company operates.
“IGT counts a strong governance model, innovation and collaboration with internal and external partners as success drivers for its responsible gaming initiatives”, the company stated in an official release. Topic-focused working groups created through this new policy have been developed to explore emerging trends and best practices related to responsible gaming.
“In today's unprecedented times, with an emphasis on the digital revolution and cashless innovation, IGT remains committed to responsible gaming by balancing growth with social responsibility”, the company added.
IGT's approach to responsible gaming includes three primary goals and eight supporting commitments. IGT holds certification to the Responsible Gaming Standards for Associate Members from the World Lottery Association for Lottery operations and responsible gaming standards certification from the Global Gambling Guidance Group for gaming and digital operations.
In an official press release, Wendy Montgomery, IGT SPV, Global Brand, Marketing and Communications spoke about the new policy and said: "Responsible Gaming is a cornerstone of all that we do at IGT, and an aspect of our business where we demonstrate leadership among gaming and lottery suppliers. In publishing IGT's Responsible Gaming Policy, we demonstrate important transparency about the tenets of our commitments and the exemplary standard to which we hold our employees, products and partners."