The launch announcement came via a tweet from ET Now news channel and was pick picked up by local media. The head of research at ET Now, Darshan Mehta, shared a copy of an opening invitation on the social media site. According to reports local dignitaries including government ministers will also be attending the event with Tourism & Civil Aviation Minister of Sikkim, Ugen Gyatso, as the chief guest.
The casino will open in the WelcomHeritage Denzong Regency, a luxury 5-star mountain retreat overlooking Sikkim’s capital, Gangtok near Mt.Kanchenjunga.
Delta Corp Ltd (NSE: DELTACORP), is the largest gaming company in India. After several earlier reports, the company finally confirmed they had inked a licensing deal for the property in late July 2016. The casino will offer some 150 gaming positions and establishes Delta in the region which includes two other casinos; Casino Sikkim at Hotel Royal Plaza and Casino Mahjong at Mayfair Spa Resort.
Amid tumultuous political wrangling between pro and anti-casino forces, India’s only publicly traded gaming company continued its success in 2016 with unprecedented profits and gaming expansion. In addition to the company’s first Sikkim casino, the Delta Daman hotel-casino is expected to open soon adding to its Goa land casinos along with three offshore casinos and the Deltin Caravela which the company secured a license for in June 2016.