Although August figures were down from July’s $3.675 billion, the report shows that US commercial casinos have reported more than $28 billion from January 1 to August 31, representing a big jump over the same period last year: 16.63 percent.
A summary of The United States Commercial Casino Gaming: Monthly Revenues report reads:
“This report is the best known (by us at least) publicly-available source for all U.S. commercial casino revenue on a monthly basis. It gathers together monthly data from every available jurisdiction. It uses publicly-released data from state regulatory bodies. The terminology varies; but next to each state you will find the total casino (or racino) win reported for that month, whether it is called revenue, win, adjusted gross proceeds, or any other variant. We have also included video poker win for Louisiana and Illinois. We were unable to locate sources for New Mexico, Oklahoma, and West Virginia."