The PLS 186/14 will be the first item of the CCJ meeting's agenda

Brazil: Senate's gambling bill will be discussed by the Committee next Wednesday

Senator Benedito de Lira had already ruled that PLS 186/14 would be the first item on the agenda to be dealt with by the CCJ.
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It was revealed Friday that the Constitution & Justice Committee (CCJ) will be discussing the bill intended to regulate gambling in the country during their upcoming meeting scheduled for next Wednesday at 10 a.m.

As promised by Senator Benedito de Lira (PP-AL), PLS 186/14 -which regulates gambling in Brazil- will be the first item on the meeting's agenda. Now, according to the authorities of the Brazilian Legal Gaming Institute, debate on the project is guaranteed, but "the sector will have to work to guarantee its approval at this stage."

The bill introduced by Senator Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI), provides for the regulation of "Jogo do Bicho", bingo halls, the operation of video bingo machines, sports and non-sports betting, online casinos and land-based casinos in resorts and hotels.

The members of the CCJ that will deal with this project are:

President: Senator Edison Lobão (MA)

Vice-President: Senador Antonio Anastasia (MG)

PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party): Edison Lobão (MA), Eduardo Braga (AM), Jader Barbalho (PA), José Maranhão (PB), Marta Suplicy (SP), Simone Tebet (MS), Valdir Raupp (RO)

Bloco Resistência Democrática (Democratic Resistance Bloc) (PT-PDT): Acir Gurgacz (PDT-RO), Fátima Bezerra (PT-RN), Jorge Viana (PT-AC), José Pimentel (PT-CE), Paulo Paim (PT-RS), Gleise Hoffman (PT-PR)

Bloco Social Demócrata (Social-Democratic Bloc) (PSDB-DEM): Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), Flexa Ribeiro (PSDB-PA), Antonio Anastasia (PSDB-MG), Ronaldo Caiado (DEM-GO), Maria do Carmo Alves (DEM-SE)

Bloco Parlamentar Democracia Progressista (Progressive-Democratic Parliamentary Bloc) (PP-PSD): Benedito de Lira (PP-PI), Lasier Martins (PSD-RS), Wilder Morais (PP-GO)

Bloco Parlamentar Democracia e Cidadania (Democracy and Citizenship Parliamentary Bloc) (PPS-PSB-PCdoB-REDE-PODE): Lúcia Vânia (PSB-GO), Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP) e Lídice da Mata (PSB-BA)

Bloco Moderador (Moderate Bloc) (PR, PSC, PTB, PRB): Armando Monteiro (PTB/PE), Eduardo Lopes (PRB/RJ), Magno Malta (PR/ES)


PMDB (Brazilian Democratic Movement Party): Garibaldi Alves Filho (RN), Renan Calheiros (AL), Roberto Requião (PR), Romero Jucá (RR), Rose de Freitas (ES), Waldemir Moka (MS), Raimundo Lira (PB)

Bloco Resistência Democrática (Democratic Resistance Bloc) (PT-PDT): Ângela Portela (PT-RR), Humberto Costa (PT-PE), Lindbergh Farias (PT-RJ), Regina Sousa (PT-PI), Hélio José (DF), Sérgio Petecão (PSD-AC)

Bloco Social Democrata (Social-Democratic Bloc) (PSDB-DEM): Roberto Rocha (PSDB/MA), Cássio Cunha Lima (PSDB-PB), Eduardo Amorim (PSDB-SE), José Serra (PSDB-SP) - Davi Alcolumbre (DEM-AP).

Bloco Parlamentar Democracia Progressista (Progressive-Democratic Parliamentary Bloc) (PP, PSD): Ivo Cassol (PP-RO), Ana Amélia (PP-RS), Omar Aziz (PSD-AM).

Bloco Parlamentar Democracia e Cidadania (Democracy and Citizenship Parliamentary Bloc) (PPS, PSB, PCdoB, REDE-PODE): Alvaro Dias (PODE/PR), João Capiberibe (PSB-AP), Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM).

Bloco Moderador (Moderate Bloc) (PR, PSC, PTB, PRB): Cidinho Santos (PR-MT), Vicentinho Alves (PR-TO), Wellington Fagundes (PR-MT).


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