More tax on slot machines, video lottery terminals, online gambling and betting has been announced in the 2019 Italian Budget.
The Prelievo erariale unico, or single tax levy for gaming machines in Italy, applied to both AWPs and VLTs, will from January 1, 2019, increase by 1.25 per cent. On betting, the tax rises to 20 per cent and for online games to 24 per cent.
However, there is a downwards adjustment in the minimum payout levels for each category, taking AWPs down one point to 69 per cent and VLTs down half a point to 84.5 per cent.
The Budget now goes to the Italian Parliament for ratification. There is a contingency that permits an 18-month delay in the imposition of the new payout percentage levels in order to cater for technical operations for adapting the winning payout percentage. The changes will have to be in place by June, 2020.