Taking center stage at ICE London 2020, BtoBet has unveiled its 3rd generation betting platform, which will deliver a player-centric betting ecosystem that perfectly adapts to today’s player demands, throughout all the stages of the player lifecycle, as they seek a wider betting experience.
Alessandro Fried, BtoBet’s Chief Executive Officer, explained in a press conference during the event that the development of the new platform stems from an analysis of the requirements of today’s players, and the capabilities of the operators to meet these requirements in the minimal time-to-market, and thus making the most in terms of player life-time value.
Fried stated that Neuron 3 allows operators to develop their player journey and betting experience no matter the medium or communicative platform involved. He added that to successfully achieve this result, Neuron 3 had to redefine the limits of what is today’s omnichannel approach, seamlessly interconnecting the betting experience through a wider spectrum of channels.
He expressed that amongst the main features at the core of Neuron 3’s technology is the new retail solution that allows for the retail agents to transform their anonymous customers into registered players through a rapid registration process, allowing players to not only benefit through targeted bonuses and free bets, but also from a betting environment where all channels are interconnected for an augmented betting experience.
Underlining the fact that Neuron 3 will redefine the boundaries for an omnichannel approach, Fried also highlighted another core innovation, the Social Media Betting feature. He stated that operators will be able to address today’s players’ strong tendencies to make use of the most popular social communicative platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Viber, and Telegram, for a simpler way to search and place their bets.
He said this feature will not only allow operators to target digital native customers, and thus, as a result, increasing the interaction and engagement with millennials, but will also simplify the whole betting process for the players themselves who will now be able to place bets – even multiples – without the need to navigate to third party apps.
Fried concluded that this technological innovation towards a more player-centric approach will allow operators to address the current voids characterizing the player’s lifetime, putting him at the centre of the entire betting experience, without the need to be restricted by time, place and mediums, maintaining intact the emotions involved in the whole betting experience.