The announcement of this strategic partnership comes one week after Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment (MGE) unveiled the name and logo for its first Las Vegas destination.
The Sportsbook will be part of Mohegan Sun Casino Las Vegas' 60,000-square foot premium gaming venue, located within Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, part of the Curio Collection by Hilton."We're excited to work with Betfred, one of the leading Sportsbook operators in the UK and Europe," said Aviram Alroy, Vice President of Interactive Gaming at MGE. "Our affiliation will introduce new and attractive competition to the Las Vegas market. Betfred will create a seamless and best-in-class experience on our gaming floor, which will cater to both domestic and international visitors."
The Betfred Sports branded Sportsbook inside Mohegan Sun Casino Las Vegas will include luxury seating, a state-of-the-art video wall, and over-the-counter wagering, as well as self-serve kiosks. This partnership marks the company's fourth U.S. Sportsbook, following properties in Iowa, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. Online sports betting products will accompany each venue location, including in Nevada.
"Given our collaboration with two outstanding operators in Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment and Virgin Hotels Las Vegas, we are confident that our first foray into the Las Vegas Sportsbook market will be a great success," said Betfred Group's Chief Operating Officer, Mark Stebbings."Through our shared expertise, we will be offering a top class service for sports bettors in the entertainment capital of the world."
Mohegan Sun Casino Las Vegas' eight-month renovation is currently underway, and the re-imagined Las Vegas lifestyle casino resort is slated to open in Fall 2020, subject to all regulatory approvals.