Sports betting and online casino platform provider Uplatform announced Thursday it will participate in the fourth edition of the SBC's CasinoBeats Summit, which will take place at Intercontinental Malta, on May 24-26.
The company’s stand will be A47. “Casino Beats is an excellent opportunity to network with hundreds of visitors, learn about current market trends and news, and make new contacts and lucrative deals,” the company said in a press release.
The Head of Marketing at Uplatform, Maria Bashkevich, commented: "Our team is looking forward to presenting our unique solutions and participating in some exciting and interesting discussions during the show. Our sales team is excited to greet potential operators and discuss how we set ourselves apart from the competition."
Following a limited staging in 2021, the fourth edition of CasinoBeats Summit will be back in full force "with a larger scale conference & exhibition," according to organizers. This time CasinoBeats Summit is expected to welcome 2,000+ senior executive delegates in person.
"Great emotions, ambitious projects, and excellent networking – that's what we’re anticipating at Casino Beats! We are thrilled to move further with our brand Uplatform and acquire even more attention and next-level business opportunities in the global betting and iGaming sector," she added.
Last month, the company announced it has been shortlisted for the EGR B2B Awards 2022 in the 'Sportsbook platform provider' category, which will take place in The Brewery, London on June 15, 2022.
"We are very thankful for this nomination; we believe this recognition is partially due to our clients' accomplishments because Uplatform’s primary goal is to ensure our clients' success,” stated Bashkevich at the time.