Bill currently being debated in committee

Brazil: Senator Angelo Coronel chosen as rapporteur for sports betting bill

Reading time 1:16 min

Despite expectations and press reports indicating that Senator Jorge Kajuru (PSB-GO) would be the rapporteur of bill 3.623/24, which regulates sports betting, Senator Angelo Coronel (PSD-BA) was officially chosen for the position.

The bill is currently being debated in the Economic Affairs Committee, where Angelo Coronel is the rapporteur, and in the Sports Committee, which has Senator Romário (PL-RJ) as rapporteur. After passing through these two committees, the bill will go to the full Senate for a vote.

Repercussions related to the selection of the rapporteur

According to BNLData, the appointment of Angelo Coronel as rapporteur was viewed favorably by market executives. This is because the parliamentarian strongly advocates the legalization of all forms of gambling and has already been the rapporteur of a bill legalizing resort casinos in another Senate committee.

"The revenue potential of an economic activity that has already been incorporated into the lives of Brazilians only confirms the certainty that the proposal is welcomed. The path opened, capable of breaking with paradigms of a moral nature, allows us to delve deeper into the subject and propose broader changes in our legislation, regulating, for example, the so-called games of chance, especially in resorts. While it is true that sports betting has been incorporated into Brazilian customs, it is also true that other forms of gambling are only resisted by those who prefer to ignore the potential of this activity to attract tourism, generate employment, national economic growth, and social development of the regions where casinos are located, for example", said the senator for Bahia, as reported by BNLData.

Approved in the Chamber of Deputies, bill 3.623/23 received proposals for amendments with changes in the text and it is up to the rapporteur to analyze and issue an opinion on the bill. The chairman of the committee chooses the parliamentarian responsible for the report. In the case of Angelo Coronel, Senator Vanderlan Cardoso (PSD-GO) was the one who appointed him.

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