The Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) of Macau has said that casino artificial intelligence (AI) facial recognition systems will only be used for security purposes, according to a report by public broadcaster TDM.
A recent Bloomberg report revealed that some gaming operators in Macau have introduced AI equipment to collect data through concealed closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, facial recognition technology, RFID-enabled chips, and specially designed baccarat tables.
The DICJ stated that some equipment suppliers are testing facial recognition technology devices in casinos, but that the suppliers did not install the equipment completely. The bureau clarified that the equipment should be used only for casino security purposes. According to the DICJ, once installed, if the casinos use the devices for such purposes as collecting gamblers’ information, they will be violating the law.
The bureau also reported that some of the city’s casinos are currently only applying preliminary facial recognition technology, emphasizing that tests must strictly abide by the city’s privacy protection law.
Earlier this year, the Four Seasons hotel casino was robbed by two criminals armed with pepper spray. The heist took place inside the casino at a gaming table, as reported by Macau Daily Times. The Commissioner General of the Unitary Police Service Ma Io Kun said after the case that casinos are private buildings and there is little scope for the government to install CCTV surveillance.