Statements by Geraldo Alckmin

Brazil's Vice President says gambling will be banned if regulation is not effective

Brazil's Vice President, Geraldo Alckmin
Reading time 1:29 min

During his participation in TV Cultura's “Roda Viva” program, Brazil's Vice President, Geraldo Alckmin, reinforced a position already stated by President Lula that, if regulation fails, the federal government will support a gambling ban.

"I think the first task is to regulate and verify the result of strict regulation. We will make great regulations, but if the result is not good, we will ban them," Alckmin said in the interview.

The Vice President recalled that online gambling was launched in Brazil in 2018, during the mandate of then President Michel Temer (MDB), but that the regulation was only approved in 2023 through Law 14.790.

The official stated that the regulation was “very well crafted" by the Ministry of Finance. "There were practically ten ordinances, [to] avoid any possibility of children, young people [playing]. It will work. However, if necessary, it will be banned,” he highlighted.

The Vice President's speech on online gambling can be seen in the video below:

The Attorney General's Office has already talked about the possibility of a ban

This month, the Federal Government-linked Attorney General's Office (AGU) sent a statement to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) providing information on the actions taken by the government to address the negative impacts related to the expansion of online gambling.

In an excerpt from the document, the AGU suggested that the STF declare the unconstitutionality of Law 13.756/2018 (which allowed fixed odds betting) if the rule does not produce the expected results.

"Finally, if the protective measures implemented as of the entry into force of Law No. 14,790/2023 and the Normative Ordinances of the Ministry of Finance do not achieve the expected effect of eliminating the unconstitutional situation caused by fixed odds online betting, there may be no other option but to recognize the unconstitutionality of Law No. 13,756/2018, which establishes this type of lottery in our legal system," the document states.

The AGU's statement can be read in full at this link.

The information sent by the agency had been requested by the minister of the STF, Luiz Fux. He is the rapporteur of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) 7721, filed by the National Confederation of Commerce of Goods, Services, and Tourism (CNC), and requests the unconstitutionality of law 14.790/23.

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